A part of my heart is gone

Jan 28, 2022

It is with a heavy heart that I share with you, last week, my beloved horse Howie transitioned to the spirit world.  I've been processing my grief and communicating with him and making sure that he is getting settled and surrounded by loved ones in the spirit world.


If you don't know by now, Howie is the horse that I had in my life for 15 years. He helped me to learn how to communicate with animals. Howie’s personality was sweet, gentle, yet kinda demanding.  I don't know how he did it but he always managed to put a smile on my face every time I visited him.


Have you ever had someone in your life like that? Be it an animal or human? Someone who just by being themselves makes you smile and reminds you that life is worth living to its fullest.  


I always looked forward to going out and visiting him at the barn. I would get excited when I saw a time open up in my schedule so that I could go and visit him. Sometimes I would go to just love on him, pet him, and whisper in his ear all of my secrets.  Other times we would ride together either in an arena or trails (something he was getting used to  but was a little jumpy, even at the age of 23).


I consider Howie my heart horse. Yes I've had other horses in my lives with deep strong connections. But Howie got me. You know he could read my moods, he could tell if I was in a sad mood or if I was feeling playful. He reminded me to play and to laugh and to have joy in life.


I know so many of you are excellent, loving pet parents and advocates for the animals. I wish to remind you to love and appreciate and give gratitude to those in your life whom you love.  Hold them a little bit tighter. Listen to them more intently. And let them know you love them.


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