Pet Reincarnation: A Story of Hope and Redemption

animal communication animal intuitive pet psychic pet reincarnation pet soul mate rainbow bridge Sep 09, 2024
5 kittens in a box looking at camera

Pet Reincarnation: A Story of Hope and Redemption

As a pet communicator, I’m often asked about whether our furry loved ones will return to us after they’ve crossed the rainbow bridge. And though the answer is often, “yes,” the most impressive part about the reply I receive from the animal I’m communicating with is the distinct details they are able to provide. 

This type of reassurance comes with specific dates, locations, and even fur color. It’s easy to lose hope when one of our fur babies leaves us. But it’s important to remember that there’s a great beyond where the story not only continues but gets to be rewritten, so to speak. 

In the story I’m sharing today, we get to witness a beautiful reunion between Sari and Mini, a gray Tabby cat who ultimately came back to her human companion.

Pet Reincarnation Happens By Choice 

Mini had a good life with Sari. Sari rescued Mini from a shelter, years prior to the dreaded day of Mini’s passing. A petite gray Tabby, Mini was more than just a “pet” - she served as Sari’s emotional care animal for years. They would snuggle and love on each other all the time.

As you can imagine, after enjoying a beautiful relationship filled with love and support, when it was time to help Mini transition, it was the hardest thing Sari had to do. 

Our Pets Can Reach Out When They Cross The Rainbow Bridge

After Mini passed, Sari reached out to me for answers. She asked me the usual questions that we all want to know when our loved ones have passed away…

Did they suffer? Where are they now? Did they have any special messages?

Sari was also anxious about whether Mini felt like she wanted to reincarnate. I heard the uncertainty and fear in her voice during our phone consultation. 

Clear Answers & Reassurance From Beyond

When I asked this question of Mini, the immediate answer was, yes, she would return. Though delighted, Sari was concerned about how she would ever find Mini again. After all, there are so many beautiful souls out there who need a loving forever home, it would be difficult to pick out the right one. Sari wanted reassurance from Mini about what she would look like now and how they would find one another again.

  • Would Sari have to look at the Pet Finder listings?  
  • Would she find her by attending rescue events?  
  • How would she find her again?  

And though I often get to witness incredible things in my practice, what came next was nothing short of amazing. 

Messages From The Soul With Specific Details

First, Mini showed me an image of a tan-colored one-story building. When I asked her if this is the place that Sari would find her, she said, “yes.” The next detail that appeared for me quite clearly was a turquoise car or truck in front of the tan or beige building. I confirmed this with Mini.

Next, Sari asked me if she needed to look for Mini at a certain shelter or rescue. The answer was, “no.” Sari was quiet after that; she was confused because she felt that she would have to do a lot to look for Mini. But Mini told me that Sari would get a text or call about this kitten that Mini was coming back as.

Following the details of her location, the next question that Sari had was when Mini would be coming back to her. Mini contemplated this for a few minutes and told me she would return in six months.

After that was confirmed, I asked Mini if she would return as a kitten or adult cat. Mini brightly told me she wanted to be a kitten because she felt her life was cut too short this last time due to an illness.

I was amazed with all of these details.

Sari asked me what coloring did Mini feel she would be and Mini showed me a picture of her as a gray tabby, similar to her coloring of late. Both Sari and I felt confident with this information but there was more.

Next, Mini told us that she would come from a litter of kittens that had five total kittens in it. She showed me a picture of all five of them. Three were dark shades of black and gray coloring. The other 2 kittens were lighter in color with some brown and white. 

With that, Sari and I felt we had obtained enough information to find Mini again. It was a wonderful animal communication reading. Now, it was up to us to wait for the 6 months to pass.

Confirmation of Mini’s Messages

A little after six months had passed, I got an email from Sari who was eager to speak with me. During the animal communication reading she informed me that she had gotten a text from a friend who found a litter of kittens in her backyard with their mother. 

She was excited to tell me that she went to her friend's home and, when she pulled into the driveway, she noticed that the color of the house was tan. She also made mental note of a turquoise car in the driveway. Her heart began to race with anticipation as she knew these were some of the signs that Mini had alerted us to. The anticipation and excitement for their reunion helped Sari get through these long months.

As she noticed where the mother had hidden the kittens in a bush; she was able to count five kittens. Three of them were dark colored and the other two were light colored with brown and white marks on them, just as Mini had shared during our reading.

“How is this even possible?,” she thought to herself. 

Here's a screenshot of Sari's email confirming the information I was given about Mini's return.

She was amazed that the information she received during our animal communication reading was unfolding right in front of her eyes. They found the kittens with the mother. They were so young, the kittens still had their eyes closed. So it was too soon to move them or even take one home because they were still nursing. That's when they decided the best thing to do was to care for the mother and feed her, while setting her up indoors for the safety of her wellbeing and the kittens.

Sari decided to foster all five of the kittens. As the kittens further developed, Sari was able to recognize Mini through her eyes, as the eyes are the windows to the soul.  After caring for them all, she decided to keep not only Mini, but another one of Mini’s litter mates.

Life After Death

Reuniting with Mini has lifted Sari’s heart, and has certainly brought joy to Mini, since they are once again together and ready to live their best lives possible with one another.

As time has progressed Sari has witnessed a similar personality and love from this new version of Mini. During a recent reading, Sari asked me if Mini would like a new name. The answer was clearly yes because Mini wanted a new life full of new opportunities and a long, healthy, lasting relationship with Sari. So Sari gave her a new name, befitting this beautiful Tabby’s new life with her human companion. She and Amore are now living out their days happily and full of understanding and hope for what lies ahead and beyond.

Do you have questions about your pet or animal companion? I’d love to help you understand them better. Book an animal communication session with me and let’s get to talking!



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